20% off wills from Which?

Make your will online with Which?. You can even get it reviewed by our specialists to make sure it's legally binding. From only £79.20.

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Wills P4 Packages
Answer these questions to make sure you get the right will for your circumstances.
How our wills service works
1. Tell us about yourself Answer a few questions to see which will is right for you, and choose the service level you want. Choose your will and service level
2. Fill in an online template Pay for your will and complete it from home, online.
3. Have your will checked Depending on the service you choose, our specialists will check your will.
Step 4
4. Sign your will You can print your will at home, or receive a bound copy with our Premium service. Once it's signed and witnessed correctly your will is legally binding.
Why everyone should make a will

Many of us assume that, if we die without a will, our possessions will just go to the people closest to us. But in fact, the fate of our possessions, our money and even our home, would be decided by the law.

Making a will can reduce the financial and administrative burden on your loved ones, giving them certainty and making conflict less likely. 

Things to think about

List Your assets
Beneficieries Who will benefit
Guardians Guardians for children
Executors Your Executors
Common questions

About completing your will

What’s the difference between mirror wills and a pair of wills?

Mirror wills are usually made by married couples or civil partners. Normally, the first to die leaves their estate to the survivor. When the survivor dies, the estate passes to the beneficiaries (who are the same people in both wills).

A pair of wills are two wills made by two people with the flexibility to make them similar to each other or completely different.

What type of gift can I make in my will?

  1. Specific gifts – such as your jewellery, shares or property
  2. Cash – known as ‘pecuniary’ gifts
  3. Residuary gifts – what's left after all debts have been paid and all other legacies have been accounted for.

Who can witness my will?

In England & Wales, a will must be witnessed by two independent people over the age of 18. Your witnesses don’t need to know what’s in your will.

Witnesses cannot be:

  • blind,
  • beneficiaries in your will,
  • spouses or civil partners of beneficiaries in your will, or
  • anyone related to you